Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | Terms of Use
This page describes our Cookie policy for (the website).
If you do not accept this Cookie policy, please do not use this site.
Last updated: 23 April 2020
Who we are
Discovery Education Europe Limited is a company registered in England and Wales (registration number 03261277), whose registered office is at 1 Lyric Square, Hammersmith London W6 0NB, and we are the data controller of the personal information that we collect from you.
You can contact us in relation to this cookie policy by telephone on 0800 6 527 527 or email at
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers downloaded on to your computer when you access certain websites. Like virtual door keys, cookies unlock a computer’s memory and allow a website to recognise users when they return to a site by opening doors to different content or services. Like a key, a cookie itself does not contain information, but when it is read by a browser it can help a website improve the service delivered.
Cookie files are automatically lodged into the cookie file – the memory of your browser – and each one typically contains:
The website server which sent the cookie uses this number to recognise you when you return to a site or browse from page to page. Only the server that sent a cookie can read, and therefore use, that cookie.
We use cookies to help you navigate our website efficiently and to perform certain functions, including website traffic analysis. Cookies may also recognise you on your next login and offer you content tailored to your preferences and interests.
Some cookies can collect personal information, including information you disclose like your username, or where cookies track you to deliver more relevant content. For further details on how we use your personal information, please see our Privacy Policy.
Who is likely to place cookies on your device, and for what purpose?
1. Discovery Education
Discovery Education may place cookies on your device for various purposes: to help you to navigate our site more easily, to administer and provide the service to you and to deliver better and more personalised content.
The cookies we place enable us for instance:
2. Third parties: service providers, partners, social media
Third parties are likely to place cookies on your device.
We do not control the placing and use of cookies by third party companies and we are not responsible for third parties’ use of cookies. These companies have their own privacy policies and data collection practices. Please refer to each company’s privacy policy to better understand the controls available to you.
The purpose of the third party cookies of which we are aware is to provide audience-measurement and social-sharing functions and to customise content.
a. Measurement: audience, traffic, technique
Audience-measurement cookies are used by third parties for us to obtain information about your browsing patterns, so as to (among other things):
These tools use technologies for tracking website users and associating a ‘referrer’ or campaign with a unique identifier.
b. Social media share buttons
We may offer you the possibility to share our content with other people or render public your viewing or appreciation of such content by clicking on social media sharing buttons such as Recommend (Facebook, Google+), Tweet (Twitter) or Send by email.
Even if you do not use social media share buttons when visiting our site, the social networks that provided the buttons can identify you through them. Indeed, the mere fact that your account with a social network is activated on your device (open session) when you browse the site can allow that network to monitor your navigation of our content.
c. Advertising spaces
Cookies are likely to be placed on your device through advertising spaces on the site.
These cookies may be set at the level of the advertising content displayed in our advertising spaces either by the advertisers themselves, or by their ad serving providers (third party ad servers) such as communications consultancies, audience measuring firms and targeted advertising providers: the cookies are associated with the advertising content.
The main purposes for which advertisers and third party ad servers use cookies are:
[Cookies may also be placed in our advertising spaces by the company in charge of managing our advertising spaces: the advertising sales house. These cookies enable the advertising sales house:
We use cookies from the following third party advertising companies:
How long do cookies last?
Our website uses several types of cookies including:
The types of cookies that may be used on our site fall into one of four categories as follows:
You can control how cookies are set on your device by adjusting your browser settings (see below).
How can you express your choice or object to cookies being placed on your device?
You can authorise, refuse or disable cookies by changing your browser settings. If you disable a cookie already installed on your browser, it will not be active any more, but it will not disappear from your browser until the end of its lifespan. Please note that blocking all cookies can render some of our content unavailable to you or have a negative effect on the performance, efficiency or customisation of the service or our website.
You can express your choices and change your wishes regarding cookies, via your browser
Each browser is configured differently. You should follow the instructions given by the publisher of your browser. As of the date of revision of this Cookie Policy, these instructions are available for commonly used browsers through the following links:
If you use Microsoft Edge:
If you use Internet Explorer:
If you use Safari:
If you use Firefox:
If you use Chrome:
If you use different devices, make sure you configure the settings of the corresponding browser according to your preferences.
Social media sharing buttons
The privacy policies of social networks should allow you to exercise your choices regarding cookies, typically by configuring your user account settings on each such network.
To find out more about cookies
To find out more about cookies and obtain cookie management tools, please visit the following websites: